I´d love visitors to meet some very dear friends of mine, and here are some links to their homepages. They´re not listed in any order, and if any graphics offend....let me know people LOL ;-)
Meet "Lexxee" ;-) She´s just a wee slip of a lass, to be found in Australia. Her hobbies include aerobics, jogging, swimming and standing-in for moby dick.
Lexxee is a very dear person, who always has time for a laugh or two. Don´t cross her on the gammon board though !
Meet "_Wildgirl_" ;-) This isn´t really her picture, or maybe I mixed the two of them up... Wild is a great laugh and can be found online at really odd hours !
She loves a good game of suicide, and talks people out of it in her day job ;-)
Actually this link doesn´t qualify as it´s my old man, but he´s a mate too.
If you want to know about aroma therapy or how a "pukka" page should look like, pop in and sample the wares ;-)
Everything you ever wanted to know about linguistics...or not ;-) Dear old Dominika´s ex-Uni page.